The goal is to live in a small Austrian village with my Austrian wife and our 4 yr old while learning everything about this beautiful corner of the world. We will live on the second floor of my in-law's house in a two bedroom apartment while skipping around in flowery fields like the one on "The Sound of Music". Well, maybe not the skipping part:)

The village is called Windischgarsten. Located in the lower half of Upper Austria, it is an amazingly beautiful area of the Alps known for skiing, hiking and biking. I don't have any local friends, I haven't learned the language, and I have no idea where I'll work. This could get really interesting. No problem right?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Tick tock, tick tock...

Yes, it's about that time! One month left until I quit my job and move all of our tattered stuff into storage. Two weeks after that, we land in Linz, Austria...I think...well, as long as some Icelandic puffy air doesn't get in our way. Knock on wood.