The goal is to live in a small Austrian village with my Austrian wife and our 4 yr old while learning everything about this beautiful corner of the world. We will live on the second floor of my in-law's house in a two bedroom apartment while skipping around in flowery fields like the one on "The Sound of Music". Well, maybe not the skipping part:)

The village is called Windischgarsten. Located in the lower half of Upper Austria, it is an amazingly beautiful area of the Alps known for skiing, hiking and biking. I don't have any local friends, I haven't learned the language, and I have no idea where I'll work. This could get really interesting. No problem right?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ducks and Family in Austria

I received a couple emails asking what I do everyday. Well, like most people, I try not to do the same thing each day. I work at least 5 of the days. My time off is usually spent with family doing...something. Anyway, I picked up my "Flip" camera to record whatever I did earlier this week. I think it was Sunday? On this day my son asked to see some ducks.

Ok, so we went to find some duck!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Austrian Soccer

About once a week we all pile into the car for the 5 minute drive to Spital Am Pyhrn (the next village down the road). Andy, who is Yvonne's brother, plays soccer for a team there. Believe it or not, the dude actually gets paid to do this stuff.

Sign me up!

Soccer, or should I say fussball, is pretty cool in these parts. You go to the local field, order a beer and sausage then scream until you lose your voice. Of course, it's tough getting our 3 year old to watch the whole thing, but when it's over he gets to share a bag of delicious potato chips with one of the players. We also take photos of each other during halftime. He digs on that stuff.

Before going home we can be found in the soccer building drinking beer or radler. I love soccer here.

We miss everybody back in the States! Thanks again for all the emails. Keep'm coming!

Spital Am Pyhrn




Monday, August 16, 2010

Windischgarsten Village Square

The village is 8/10ths of a mile from the house. On nice days we stroll into town to get some exercise, hang out at a favorite cafe, or check out local events. The first video is from last weekend while walking to the Wine Festival. Hmmmm, now why wouldn't we drive to a wine festival? There's got to be a reason. The second video is at the event.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Just chill'n with my homey on a Sunday Afternoon

Here we are at the archery range on top of the mountain behind our house. There are some killer views up here!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

When the Cows Come Home

Hi all.
Not much to talk about today except the Almfest. It's a once-a-year festival up the road from us that celebrates the movement of..... cows. Ha ha, yeah, cows. They come down to the farms from the high country once mid season.

It's worth celebrating.

The locals, some sporting lederhosen (not me this time), meet at a farm to eat schnitzel and drink Radler, Most, and of course....Beer. Between all the beer and coffee around here I'm sure going pee a lot.

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Austrian Zoo

We've all been to zoos right? Pretty cool aren't they? My experience with them include the Fresno Zoo, San Diego Zoo, and mostly, the Santa Barbara Zoo. American zoos are clean, neat, fresh and safe. Of course they're safe; too many lawsuits these days. So what would the zoo experience be without the lawsuits to restrict the fun? Where, oh where, could one of these places exist? Hmmmmm.....


There's nothing like a chain link fence between you and a mountain lion (don't let your 3 yr old stick his hand in there)! Or how about a monkey who leaves his cage when he gets bored? Thank God they leave the bear behind bars.


We saw zebras, bears, and much more. All the expected animals were present for such a small zoo. Believe me, this wasn't a large international zoo. It's located up in the Alps away from everything, and everybody. It closes in November due to snow restrictions and opens back up after the snow melts; perhaps in April?

Life in the village has been busy. I'm still adjusting to culture shock. It's true, it does exist. Everything around you is different. The cars, streets, food, clothes, buildings, customs etc, etc. I'm getting better at ducking through doorways lately. The older buildings were made with shorter doors. At 6'3" my head is riddled with bruises:)

Thanks again for all the emails. I loved hearing from all of you. Take Care.





Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lederhosen Festival 2010

So, there's this event that happens once a year in Austria, and coincidentaly, it takes place right here in Windischgarsten. People from around the country, and for that matter, around the continent, come to take part in it. What is this miraculous event you ask?

It's the Lederhosen Festival!!

For those of you in the dark, lederhosen are leather pants. Leder = Leather. Hosen = Pants. You can wear them with suspenders or without. It's not a dorky item to wear out here. To be honest, it's more of a cultural pride garmet, and the festival honors that. It's a celebration of the Austrian people. Think of Texas and cowboy boots. Are cowboy boots silly in Texas? No. Windischgarsten closes down the streets, people show up in their "garmets", and they drink beer...and lots of it.

But I'm a Californian. Do you really think I'd be caught dead at a Lederhosen Festival...or wear the foreign "Erkle" attire?


Yvonne, her brother and girlfriend, Noah and myself headed into the village last night. What fun. Everyone was in a good mood and laughing. Noah had a great time too. He even managed to wrangle in a couple of blondes, his favorite of the female species.

Here are some photos and a couple of quick videos. Sorry if the right side of the photos are chopped off a bit. I'm still figuring out why this happens on this site. Anyway, I hope you like them!




