The goal is to live in a small Austrian village with my Austrian wife and our 4 yr old while learning everything about this beautiful corner of the world. We will live on the second floor of my in-law's house in a two bedroom apartment while skipping around in flowery fields like the one on "The Sound of Music". Well, maybe not the skipping part:)

The village is called Windischgarsten. Located in the lower half of Upper Austria, it is an amazingly beautiful area of the Alps known for skiing, hiking and biking. I don't have any local friends, I haven't learned the language, and I have no idea where I'll work. This could get really interesting. No problem right?

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Austrian Zoo

We've all been to zoos right? Pretty cool aren't they? My experience with them include the Fresno Zoo, San Diego Zoo, and mostly, the Santa Barbara Zoo. American zoos are clean, neat, fresh and safe. Of course they're safe; too many lawsuits these days. So what would the zoo experience be without the lawsuits to restrict the fun? Where, oh where, could one of these places exist? Hmmmmm.....


There's nothing like a chain link fence between you and a mountain lion (don't let your 3 yr old stick his hand in there)! Or how about a monkey who leaves his cage when he gets bored? Thank God they leave the bear behind bars.


We saw zebras, bears, and much more. All the expected animals were present for such a small zoo. Believe me, this wasn't a large international zoo. It's located up in the Alps away from everything, and everybody. It closes in November due to snow restrictions and opens back up after the snow melts; perhaps in April?

Life in the village has been busy. I'm still adjusting to culture shock. It's true, it does exist. Everything around you is different. The cars, streets, food, clothes, buildings, customs etc, etc. I'm getting better at ducking through doorways lately. The older buildings were made with shorter doors. At 6'3" my head is riddled with bruises:)

Thanks again for all the emails. I loved hearing from all of you. Take Care.





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