The season is nice and all, but for those of you who've lived through continuous negative degree days, you'd totally understand.
The people of the village have welcomed Spring with wide opened arms. As I sip my cappaccino on our balcony I can see cyclists, runners, kayak adorned cars, children playing, and the occasional bee buzzing my face. Speaking of bugs, the misquitos are out again. Not the "real" misquitos. I mean the little motorcycles and mopeds with tiny motors that sound like great big...well...whining misquitos. But its nice to see them again too. I'll take two wheeled misquitos over ice roads anyday!
So welcome to Spring in Windischgarsten. The area is absolutely beautiful...if you didn't already know. We've been getting outside a lot more - enjoying what God has provided. We've also spent some time indoors too, inside a hospital. Yup, I broke my hand. Stupid really. Just an awkward fall in the kitchen. But I'll be ok. Maybe I can even go back to work in 5 weeks:)
As you already know from previous posts my outdoor travels have become quite special to me. Its the time my son and I can hang out together. It also means he is my "muse". Here are some photos from this week. See you soon!