The goal is to live in a small Austrian village with my Austrian wife and our 4 yr old while learning everything about this beautiful corner of the world. We will live on the second floor of my in-law's house in a two bedroom apartment while skipping around in flowery fields like the one on "The Sound of Music". Well, maybe not the skipping part:)

The village is called Windischgarsten. Located in the lower half of Upper Austria, it is an amazingly beautiful area of the Alps known for skiing, hiking and biking. I don't have any local friends, I haven't learned the language, and I have no idea where I'll work. This could get really interesting. No problem right?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

41 Photos and a Broken Hand

Coming back from a 4 week vacation in California was, as they say, a double edged sword. Family and friends will be missed for another year, but at the same time I was happy to get back to my Austrian life. It seems I have two lives now. Which one leads my thoughts? Only time will tell.

So I made it back to the door factory! Work is work. What can I say. Interestingly enough though, as some of you know, I broke my hand in my kitchen. Ouch. So no work for 5 weeks! Can't lift doors with a broken hand right?

So what is one supposed to do for five weeks?

You got me. I have no clue. For this simpleton, I set my daily goals after a morning cup of cappuccino. Most days I throw on a backpack and head for the front door. I've been on local trains, busses, and mountain trails. Sometimes I'll even walk into the village for more cappuccino at a favorite cafe. Life is good.

Anyway, I took along my camera on one or two of my post-cafe outings. A picture of a church entrance, my favorite local Pizzaria (Austria is next to Italy. The pizza here is amazing), a park, an ugly house, clay tennis courts, a lonely wooden bus stop etc. Basically, a photo of pretty much anything I thought was cool enough to empty my camera battery. So if you're one of those people who enjoy looking at slide shows of someone else's family vacation, then, well, you scored today.

I hope all is well back in California. Take care everyone......Gabe


  1. It looks like having a broken hand has turned out to be a "good thing" in this case. It has handed you the pund intended... to venture out more and share your life and the beauty of where you live with us.

    We really miss you here in California!

    Your HowLong

  2. Had missed your great pictures and wonderful story telling. Sorry to hear of your hand, but really enjoy the new update. BTW you didn't mention how you did that in your kitchen.

    Glad you and your family have this time.
    Be of good cheer
