The goal is to live in a small Austrian village with my Austrian wife and our 4 yr old while learning everything about this beautiful corner of the world. We will live on the second floor of my in-law's house in a two bedroom apartment while skipping around in flowery fields like the one on "The Sound of Music". Well, maybe not the skipping part:)

The village is called Windischgarsten. Located in the lower half of Upper Austria, it is an amazingly beautiful area of the Alps known for skiing, hiking and biking. I don't have any local friends, I haven't learned the language, and I have no idea where I'll work. This could get really interesting. No problem right?

Friday, July 23, 2010

Noah is Hospitalized

What a night.

Last night was a long one. Poor Noah was running a high fever (103.6) and throwing up. This morning Yvonne took him to his local doctor after hitting 104. The doc said he needed hospitalization. As you can guess, he is there now hooked up to an I.V.

They don't know what's wrong with him. I guess we'll find out in the morning when the test results come back.

I expect he'll be home sometime tomorrow. He needs your prayers as he's not able to throw unsuspecting slugs in the creek there.


  1. Poor Noah...hopefully it's nothing serious and I will be praying for him to get back to throwing slugs again soon!

  2. Hi Christie.
    They found an infection in him by taking a blood sample. His temp is still high so they're keeping him another night:( No idea where the infection is yet. They're pumping him full of meds now. We're optomistic he'll be home tomorrow. Thanks for the prayers!

  3. Little Noah, gramma is praying with everything she's got for you to get better soon. Please get better, ok? My spirit is with you every single second, all the way to Austria. I'll be sitting next to you holding your hand. Tell daddy and mommy to hang in there. You'll be out throwing slugs into the creek in no time.I love you, mommy and daddy.-gramma deni
